Dr Yim Heng Boon received the MBBS degree in Medicine from the National University of Singapore in 1990 and the MRCP Master’s degree from the Royal College of Physicians (UK) in 1996. In 1999, he was awarded the Ministry of Health’s scholarship in Advanced Endoscopy at the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA. In 2007, he was awarded a second scholarship in Endoscopic Surgery for Early Gastric Cancer at the National Cancer Centre, Tokyo, Japan. + more
+ Invitations & Events |

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Invited Speaker on “Update in small bowel evaluation”, First National Congress of Digestive Endoscopy, organised by Vietnam Federation of Digestive Endoscopy
Hanoi, Vietnam | 28th Jul 2012
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Invited international speaker on “Advanced therapeutic colonoscopy”, 2nd Myanmar GI & Liver Scientific Meeting.
Yangon, Myanmar | Feb 2012
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Invited Speaker on “Interventional Endoscopic Ultrasound”, 北京天坛医院举办全国肝脏及胃肠疾
病新进展学术论坛 Tian Tan Hospital
Beijing, China | 29th Nov 2011
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Invited Speaker on “Endoscopic intervention in GERD”, ELSA 2012 (10th Asia Pacific Congress of Endoscopic Surgery)
Singapore |11th-13th Aug 2011
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Invited overseas plenary speaker. “COX 2 inhibitor and NSAIDS – GI risks”. 7th Pain and Inflammation Summit. Shangri-La Hotel
Bangkok, Thailand | 25th to 26th Jun 2011
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Invited Speaker for prestigious Francisco Roman Memorial Lecture on “Update in enteral stenting”, Philippines Digestive Health Week,
Manila, Phillpines | 7th to 9th Mar 2011
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Endoscopy Demonstration .
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Invited international faculty (speaker and demonstrator), 2nd ERCP and EUS Endoscopy Workshop,Choray Hospital.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | 2nd to 3rd Apr 2010
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Invited international faculty (demonstrator), 3rd Endoscopy Hands-on Workshop, Sripat Endoscopy Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Chiangmai University.
Chiangmai, Thailand | 18th Mar 2010
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Invited international faculty (endoscopy demonstrator) ISGCON (India Society of Gastroenterology Conference), Golden Jubilee Celebration.
Kolkata, India | 13th Dec 2009
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Invited international faculty, Advanced Endoscopy Workshop, Yangon General Hospital.
Yangon, Myanmar | 29th to 30th Apr 2009
+ more
Media Article
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